Here is a clip taken of me on tour with Celtic Woman .
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on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 9:05 pm and is filed under Rays Blog.
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28 Responses to “Ray giving demo on Celtic Woman tour”
(please delete the previous comment, my website address was incorrect)
Hello Ray, my son and I are new to your fanbase but we are both HUGE fans, although for different reasons
My son now pretends to play drums (he’s 8yrs old) and we both enjoyed your video clip and your various Celtic woman performances (Dulaman is the BEST!). Do you foresee playing in California any time soon? I hope you’ll consider updating your site to include upcoming tour dates, more pictures and of course, the BIO!
Everyone who’s ever had contact with you speaks of you with the utmost regard, and all say how friendly and decent you are. What a refreshing change from the “diva” attitudes of some performers. I hope someday to meet you and get an autograph. Best wishes for continued success, you deserve it!
Hi and a very happy new year!
Thank you for all your kind words, It is very much appreciated at a time like this!
Once again I have to sorry for not getting around to my biog, I thought i’d have
it done by now but with everything that happened over Christmas/new year…well you know!
That’s great that young Man is playing drums, Tell him I said “keep it up” and yes, We will
be playing California, The Greek in the summer.
Maybe i can get a pair of sticks to him, Lets see, My best to you, Ray
OMG! We read this together and he’s doing the happy dance around the house!! Unfortunately, I live in Northern Ca (about 2hrs above Sacramento) so I wont be able to see you at the Greek, however if you were so inclined, you could mail them to Brendan Gilbert (he’d be over the moon!) I am also doing the happy dance that you responded, Thank you
I hope 2009 brings you every good thing….
Mary and Brendan
Hi, Lets see what we can do here, Send me a reminder closer to the time, Don’t forget as this
tour is quite the whirlwind if you know what I mean, All the best, Ray. Have a great year!!
Will do! (wish I didnt live so far away) I know you’re a busy man, and I truly appreciate that you take the time to reach out to your fans in person instead of through an agent or publicist…And believe me, I wont forget!
Thanks again,
Mary and Brendan
I just found out about this website tonight, from my friend Don and I really like it. I just rewatched your introduction on the different drums used in Celtic Woman, and had a few questions about drums.
I was just wondering one, what is the name of the red thing you use in the beginning of the video, on the massive drum. And also…. regarding bodhráns, is there typically just one size of bodhrán or can they come in different sizes. I ask because I recently (last month) went to a local concert where they had a bodhrán, and it looked really huge the one they used on stage that night, but seeing yours on the A New Journey DVD, yours doesn’t look so big. Thank you, Erin.
Hi Ray,
hope you and your family are keping well. I’m still drumming (and Zendrumming) as much as I can. Hope to see you playing in Ireland again soon.
I bought my mom tickets to the Celtic Woman show in Manchester, NH (Mar 9th). Although I was so very impressed with the singing (obviously), I was absolutely mesmerized by the percussions! The sounds that came from the ‘back row’ gave the vocals a whole new dimension/depth. I am so glad that I was able to experience it! Keep up the great work
Ray how the devil are you dude. I hope you remember me but I used to know you about 20 years ago. We met at a debs ball in Limerick first where you were drumming with a local band (can’t remember the name but it would have been around 1985/1986) and then you played with Tuesday Blue who I saw many many times at the top floor of The Savoy with all the other drunken Tom Collins’s frequenters. I was seeing someone who played with The Groove in Limerick (won’t mention his name on here) for some of that time. I left Ireland for the UK in 1989 and then when you were touring with No Sweat I met you while I was on the razz at The Royal George Pub on Tottenham Court Road and you guys were playing at the club next door (my memory fails me as to the name but I used to go clubbing there). I think you even put me on the guest list but can’t remember, we had a good chat on the steps before you had to rush off and I haven’t seen ya since dude.
Well, a friend of mine was chatting to me the other day and Tuesday Blue came up which made me look on t’internet and then your name came up. I am delighted to see you are still going strong and are very successful. As has been said by many you are an awesome drummer and always were. Drums were always my favourite instrument and it was always a pleasure to watch you. Are you playing in Ireland or UK any time soon dude as would love to see you again and to catch up. Hope life is treating you really well.
well i just saw the clip i loved it i am irish and have bin playing drums for 11 years 8 hours a day i saw the show at the fox theater atlanta and all of you guys gave it your all it was the best show ever hands down i am now 24 and your have made me proud to be irish and to top it off i now know the name of the irish dums the Bodhran and i will get one you are one of the best i have ever seen i will see you guys play next year keep drumming the drum gods would be proud.
Hey Ray, me and my son went to see you at the fox in st.louis and half the time my son was just focused on you. As soon as we got home he was on the internet, typing in celtic women drummers. Ever since that concert, hes been wondering where you learned to play the drums, and hes been trying to learn the music for the drums.
Hi Ray, Im sure by now you’re in the whirlwind of the summer Celtic Woman tour, but you asked me to remind you of your intent to mail my son some drumsticks….my mailing address is:
Mary Gilbert
14861 Upland Road
Magalia CA 95954
I hope you are enjoying yourself and meeting many fans and friends I wish I could afford to come down to Southern CA but alas I am a single mom and money is tight. At any rate, we havent forgotten you and hope you remember us Stay safe and enjoy your tour
Mary and Brendan Gilbert
I love Ray!!! Saw him this past Friday evening at Radio City in NYC with Celtic Women - and as the drummer for Horslips in December at the O2 in Dublin…he’s brilliant…and just as nice as he is talented!!!
I came to hear the music of Celtic Woman in Madison on Mar. 23, but I was totally mesmerized by your drumming, wishing the whole time that I had a better view of you! You have quite a gift!
Wow! I can say we’ve been missing a lot in Southeast Asia, especially in the Philippines!
My goodness! It’s really regrettable that I was able to discover you and the Celtic Woman only last week and now I certainly am a awestruck and loyal fan! Thank God for the music videos on Channel V!
When I saw the Songs From the Heart Concert at Powerscourt, I immediately told all my musically and non-musically inclined relatives and friends that they should absolutely and must see the videos and clips of you guys making heavenly music together.
We’ve all been burning up ever since! My dad even shed a tear watching you guys on the net. He’s been saying again and again that you all are the best! He even said that you are a genius! And that you are the best and most gifted drummer/percussionist he saw and heard!
Unfortunately, Celtic Woman albums and DVDs are nowhere to be found in the Philippines and it really sucks! I’ve been making inquiries everywhere and to no avail. They said that the album is in their file, but no stocks are available. Tried placing orders for those too but the agents all said that they don’t know if they’d be able to ship… And that’s really sad…
Posted also the same request to the and Mr. Downes’ site. I really wish you guys could help. I know, though I came in late in the game, that you all have so many fans here in the Philippines. Really, I know we are that many! Imagine our experience, even for my relatives and friends, with just the clips on youtube, we were all absolutely sold!We are a country of music-loving people! And you guys make the best music!
I just hope too that you’d be able to perform here, even for just one night! It would be an honor to have you grace our land.
You guys have the best and greatest show ever! Congratulations to all of you! Thank you so much for giving us your fans a piece of Irish heaven!
Hope you are keeping well.I havent spoken to you since the show in Boston with Sharon Shannon and Donal Lunny.
Hope you are keeping well.I am in Florida writing music and recording everything fine on this end.Great to see you on the web
Your Friend and ex guitar player
John Sheridan
Wow…Ray, you are an awesome drummer. I just saw you and the Celtic Women for the first time, last Sunday at the Mountain Winery. As many of your fans have stated above, you are one with your drums and truly have a special talent. I was in awe watching you play….just amazing.
Thank you for sharing your talents and kind soul with us. Your generosity and kindness come through (and joy in playing the drums), loud and clear. Oh and thanks for tossing me your drum sticks…what a treat…never had that happen before!
May your life continue to fill you with joy, love, health and happiness as you share with all of us! I look forward to seeing you play again…it would be nice to have your current schedule available so we can know when you’re coming back through town but alas understand you’re very busy.
Cheers and sincere appreciation for all that you are,
Have you been playing drum sets a long time? I attempted to be taught acoustic guitar but was not very good, after that I tried to learn the keys too however didn’t like it. That is when I discovered the drums, definately the top choice for me. Loving your weblog, thanks.
I was fortunate enough to get tickets to Celtic Woman’s tour when they swung through Chicago on April 16th, 2011… I need to say this: Ray, you bring such a raw, unadulterated joy, life, and exhuberance to your music; the ladies may be the soaring heart of Celtic Woman, but you truly are its soul. Shaking your hand would have been the only thing to make that night even better. Thank you for helping to make each performance so spectacular!
Congrats for an awesome show in Vienna!
First I only knew you’r Celtic Woman Youtube-videos, they were great but to hear you life was fantastic!
I hope that I may ever get a chance to learn about your style of drumming.
What a blast from the past, came across this site by accident . . . if I said Limerick, Granary, Joe, Dave, Ralf, Des, you and god knows how many more . . . . . . . . incredible memories, good to see you’re doing well . . .
I have just discovered Celtic woman and being a drummer myself I immediatly checked you out on the net. I just wanted to say that I like your style very much and that you got me interested in traditional drumming even more than I was before.
Keep it up!
P.S: I´d reeeeeally like to know more about the big drum you got there in the back. Thanx!
January 5th, 2009 at 6:01 am
(please delete the previous comment, my website address was incorrect)
Hello Ray, my son and I are new to your fanbase but we are both HUGE fans, although for different reasons
My son now pretends to play drums (he’s 8yrs old) and we both enjoyed your video clip and your various Celtic woman performances (Dulaman is the BEST!). Do you foresee playing in California any time soon? I hope you’ll consider updating your site to include upcoming tour dates, more pictures and of course, the BIO!
Everyone who’s ever had contact with you speaks of you with the utmost regard, and all say how friendly and decent you are. What a refreshing change from the “diva” attitudes of some performers. I hope someday to meet you and get an autograph. Best wishes for continued success, you deserve it!
Hi and a very happy new year!
Thank you for all your kind words, It is very much appreciated at a time like this!
Once again I have to sorry for not getting around to my biog, I thought i’d have
it done by now but with everything that happened over Christmas/new year…well you know!
That’s great that young Man is playing drums, Tell him I said “keep it up” and yes, We will
be playing California, The Greek in the summer.
Maybe i can get a pair of sticks to him, Lets see, My best to you, Ray
January 18th, 2009 at 8:15 pm
OMG! We read this together and he’s doing the happy dance around the house!! Unfortunately, I live in Northern Ca (about 2hrs above Sacramento) so I wont be able to see you at the Greek, however if you were so inclined, you could mail them to Brendan Gilbert (he’d be over the moon!) I am also doing the happy dance that you responded, Thank you
I hope 2009 brings you every good thing….
Mary and Brendan
Hi, Lets see what we can do here, Send me a reminder closer to the time, Don’t forget as this
tour is quite the whirlwind if you know what I mean, All the best, Ray. Have a great year!!
January 20th, 2009 at 2:59 am
Will do! (wish I didnt live so far away) I know you’re a busy man, and I truly appreciate that you take the time to reach out to your fans in person instead of through an agent or publicist…And believe me, I wont forget!
Thanks again,
Mary and Brendan
February 22nd, 2009 at 3:50 am
I just found out about this website tonight, from my friend Don and I really like it. I just rewatched your introduction on the different drums used in Celtic Woman, and had a few questions about drums.
I was just wondering one, what is the name of the red thing you use in the beginning of the video, on the massive drum. And also…. regarding bodhráns, is there typically just one size of bodhrán or can they come in different sizes. I ask because I recently (last month) went to a local concert where they had a bodhrán, and it looked really huge the one they used on stage that night, but seeing yours on the A New Journey DVD, yours doesn’t look so big. Thank you, Erin.
March 6th, 2009 at 5:55 pm
Hi Ray,
hope you and your family are keping well. I’m still drumming (and Zendrumming) as much as I can. Hope to see you playing in Ireland again soon.
March 9th, 2009 at 9:33 pm
I bought my mom tickets to the Celtic Woman show in Manchester, NH (Mar 9th). Although I was so very impressed with the singing (obviously), I was absolutely mesmerized by the percussions! The sounds that came from the ‘back row’ gave the vocals a whole new dimension/depth. I am so glad that I was able to experience it! Keep up the great work
March 28th, 2009 at 12:08 am
Ray how the devil are you dude. I hope you remember me but I used to know you about 20 years ago. We met at a debs ball in Limerick first where you were drumming with a local band (can’t remember the name but it would have been around 1985/1986) and then you played with Tuesday Blue who I saw many many times at the top floor of The Savoy with all the other drunken Tom Collins’s frequenters. I was seeing someone who played with The Groove in Limerick (won’t mention his name on here) for some of that time. I left Ireland for the UK in 1989 and then when you were touring with No Sweat I met you while I was on the razz at The Royal George Pub on Tottenham Court Road and you guys were playing at the club next door (my memory fails me as to the name but I used to go clubbing there). I think you even put me on the guest list but can’t remember, we had a good chat on the steps before you had to rush off and I haven’t seen ya since dude.
Well, a friend of mine was chatting to me the other day and Tuesday Blue came up which made me look on t’internet and then your name came up. I am delighted to see you are still going strong and are very successful. As has been said by many you are an awesome drummer and always were. Drums were always my favourite instrument and it was always a pleasure to watch you. Are you playing in Ireland or UK any time soon dude as would love to see you again and to catch up. Hope life is treating you really well.
Flic x
April 5th, 2009 at 11:40 pm
Hey Ray,
Rem many a good gig in the parkway bar on a sunday evening,,,with Joe Browne and Dave Geary or brian o’connor,great to see your doing well.
April 10th, 2009 at 1:59 am
well i just saw the clip i loved it i am irish and have bin playing drums for 11 years 8 hours a day i saw the show at the fox theater atlanta and all of you guys gave it your all it was the best show ever hands down i am now 24 and your have made me proud to be irish and to top it off i now know the name of the irish dums the Bodhran and i will get one you are one of the best i have ever seen i will see you guys play next year keep drumming the drum gods would be proud.
May 4th, 2009 at 1:44 am
Hey Ray, me and my son went to see you at the fox in st.louis and half the time my son was just focused on you. As soon as we got home he was on the internet, typing in celtic women drummers. Ever since that concert, hes been wondering where you learned to play the drums, and hes been trying to learn the music for the drums.
Please write back. Diane
June 13th, 2009 at 11:07 am
Hi Ray, Im sure by now you’re in the whirlwind of the summer Celtic Woman tour, but you asked me to remind you of your intent to mail my son some drumsticks….my mailing address is:
Mary Gilbert
14861 Upland Road
Magalia CA 95954
I hope you are enjoying yourself and meeting many fans and friends
I wish I could afford to come down to Southern CA but alas I am a single mom and money is tight. At any rate, we havent forgotten you and hope you remember us
Stay safe and enjoy your tour 
Mary and Brendan Gilbert
June 14th, 2009 at 3:36 am
Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!
June 15th, 2009 at 12:46 pm
Great post! I’ll subscribe right now wth my feedreader software!
June 16th, 2009 at 11:30 am
Hi. I like the way you write. Will you post some more articles?
July 7th, 2009 at 4:26 am
It’s a pity that people don’t realize the importance of this information. Thanks for posing it.
July 7th, 2009 at 5:03 am
Some of us even don’t realize the importance of this information. What a pity.
March 2nd, 2010 at 5:38 pm
I love Ray!!!
Saw him this past Friday evening at Radio City in NYC with Celtic Women - and as the drummer for Horslips in December at the O2 in Dublin…he’s brilliant…and just as nice as he is talented!!!
March 30th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
I came to hear the music of Celtic Woman in Madison on Mar. 23, but I was totally mesmerized by your drumming, wishing the whole time that I had a better view of you! You have quite a gift!
June 11th, 2010 at 10:46 pm
August 3rd, 2010 at 11:38 pm
como eu nao sei ingles….. fico com os pensamentos saltantes.
mas pode ter certeza que tem uma admiradora no BRASIL.
Seja muito feliz.
August 4th, 2010 at 3:02 pm
Wow! I can say we’ve been missing a lot in Southeast Asia, especially in the Philippines!
My goodness! It’s really regrettable that I was able to discover you and the Celtic Woman only last week and now I certainly am a awestruck and loyal fan! Thank God for the music videos on Channel V!
When I saw the Songs From the Heart Concert at Powerscourt, I immediately told all my musically and non-musically inclined relatives and friends that they should absolutely and must see the videos and clips of you guys making heavenly music together.
We’ve all been burning up ever since! My dad even shed a tear watching you guys on the net. He’s been saying again and again that you all are the best! He even said that you are a genius! And that you are the best and most gifted drummer/percussionist he saw and heard!
Unfortunately, Celtic Woman albums and DVDs are nowhere to be found in the Philippines and it really sucks! I’ve been making inquiries everywhere and to no avail. They said that the album is in their file, but no stocks are available. Tried placing orders for those too but the agents all said that they don’t know if they’d be able to ship… And that’s really sad…
Posted also the same request to the and Mr. Downes’ site. I really wish you guys could help. I know, though I came in late in the game, that you all have so many fans here in the Philippines. Really, I know we are that many! Imagine our experience, even for my relatives and friends, with just the clips on youtube, we were all absolutely sold!We are a country of music-loving people! And you guys make the best music!
I just hope too that you’d be able to perform here, even for just one night! It would be an honor to have you grace our land.
You guys have the best and greatest show ever! Congratulations to all of you! Thank you so much for giving us your fans a piece of Irish heaven!
August 27th, 2010 at 12:53 am
Hey Ray
Hope you are keeping well.I havent spoken to you since the show in Boston with Sharon Shannon and Donal Lunny.
Hope you are keeping well.I am in Florida writing music and recording everything fine on this end.Great to see you on the web
Your Friend and ex guitar player
John Sheridan
September 1st, 2010 at 3:32 am
Wow…Ray, you are an awesome drummer. I just saw you and the Celtic Women for the first time, last Sunday at the Mountain Winery. As many of your fans have stated above, you are one with your drums and truly have a special talent. I was in awe watching you play….just amazing.
Thank you for sharing your talents and kind soul with us. Your generosity and kindness come through (and joy in playing the drums), loud and clear. Oh and thanks for tossing me your drum sticks…what a treat…never had that happen before!
May your life continue to fill you with joy, love, health and happiness as you share with all of us! I look forward to seeing you play again…it would be nice to have your current schedule available so we can know when you’re coming back through town but alas understand you’re very busy.
Cheers and sincere appreciation for all that you are,
November 21st, 2010 at 8:06 pm
Have you been playing drum sets a long time? I attempted to be taught acoustic guitar but was not very good, after that I tried to learn the keys too however didn’t like it. That is when I discovered the drums, definately the top choice for me. Loving your weblog, thanks.
May 9th, 2011 at 4:08 am
I was fortunate enough to get tickets to Celtic Woman’s tour when they swung through Chicago on April 16th, 2011… I need to say this: Ray, you bring such a raw, unadulterated joy, life, and exhuberance to your music; the ladies may be the soaring heart of Celtic Woman, but you truly are its soul. Shaking your hand would have been the only thing to make that night even better. Thank you for helping to make each performance so spectacular!
June 24th, 2011 at 10:52 pm
Hi Ray!
Congrats for an awesome show in Vienna!
First I only knew you’r Celtic Woman Youtube-videos, they were great but to hear you life was fantastic!
I hope that I may ever get a chance to learn about your style of drumming.
September 16th, 2011 at 3:06 pm
What a blast from the past, came across this site by accident . . . if I said Limerick, Granary, Joe, Dave, Ralf, Des, you and god knows how many more . . . . . . . . incredible memories, good to see you’re doing well . . .
March 5th, 2012 at 12:28 am
Hello Ray!
I have just discovered Celtic woman and being a drummer myself I immediatly checked you out on the net. I just wanted to say that I like your style very much and that you got me interested in traditional drumming even more than I was before.
Keep it up!
P.S: I´d reeeeeally like to know more about the big drum you got there in the back. Thanx!